The Consciousness Shift-Spiritual Unwellness to Spiritual Wellness

Ryan C. Neal and 'The7Realms'
4 min readJun 9, 2023


Spiritual consciousness can refer to a state of awareness or understanding that goes beyond the physical realm and connects individuals to a higher or transcendent reality.

This state of consciousness is often associated with spiritual or religious experiences, such as feeling a sense of oneness with the universe, experiencing a deep inner peace or joy, or feeling a connection to a divine or spiritual force.

Spiritual consciousness may involve a shift in perception or perspective that allows individuals to see beyond their ego and identify with a larger sense of purpose or meaning in life.

This shift can lead to a greater sense of empathy, compassion, and understanding for others, as well as a greater sense of connection to nature and the world around us.

Some practices that can help cultivate spiritual consciousness include meditation, prayer, mindfulness, and reflection on spiritual teachings or texts.

Spiritual wellness refers to the state of one’s spiritual health and well-being. It involves finding meaning, purpose, and a sense of connection to something greater than oneself.

Spiritual wellness encompasses various aspects, including beliefs, values, ethics, principles, and the exploration of existential questions about life, death, and the nature of reality.

Spiritual wellness is highly personal and can be influenced by religious, philosophical, or metaphysical beliefs.

Some people find spiritual wellness through organized religion, while others may explore spirituality through personal introspection, nature, art, or other practices.

Maintaining spiritual wellness can have numerous benefits for overall well-being. It can provide individuals with a sense of purpose and direction, enhance their resilience in the face of challenges, and foster a deeper connection with oneself and others. Spiritual wellness can also contribute to a greater sense of inner peace, happiness, and contentment.

Practices that can promote spiritual wellness include meditation, prayer, reflection, journaling, spending time in nature, engaging in acts of kindness and compassion, seeking spiritual guidance or counseling, participating in religious or spiritual rituals, and exploring philosophical or existential questions.

It is important to note that spiritual wellness is a deeply personal journey, and each individual may find different practices or beliefs that resonate with them.

Spiritual consciousness and spiritual wellness are parallel existences within the spheres of conscious thought.

Spiritual wellness exists in higher spiritual consciousness, whereas spiritual unwellness exists in lower spiritual consciousness. Lower spiritual consciousness exists predominately as the subconscious.

Your conscious and subconscious mind coexist as your spiritual beingness. The subconscious mind is an ever-evolving product of your conscious thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It is constantly nurtured by the ever-present internal and external stimuli of the world.

In the end, the subconscious mind controls over 95 percent of your waking thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

To rise above your predominantly subconscious existence, you must actively engage conscious mindfulness. You must actively pursue higher consciousness thought.

Imagine, if you could redirect even a small percentage of your time and energy spent in subconsciously unwell thoughts, and refocus that energy onto our higher consciousness, you would make incredible inroads into your spiritual well-beingness.

Subconsciously your carnal mind rests in, or sometimes actively pursues, negative and unhealthy thoughts. These destructive thoughts exist in the realms of the lower spiritual consciousness. They are often the by-products of neglect, or misdirected focus, on spiritual energy.

Spiritual energy is the energy your conscious mind uses to navigate your thoughts, feelings, and emotions through your spiritual beingness (consciousness).

Your subconscious and unconscious internal dialogue of lower consciousness thoughts often coerces you into a negative state of spiritual beingness. Your spiritual beingness affects your physical beingness and thus your state of wellness.

This spiritual coercion can unintentionally cause you to shift from higher spiritual consciousness to lower spiritual consciousness. You can move from a feeling of peace in one moment to thoughts of worry in the next, just by submissively allowing a negative subconscious shift in spiritual energy or focus.

To shift you out of this state of lower consciousness to one of higher consciousness requires an intentional focus on positive spiritual energy.

Your lower spiritual consciousness evolves from a state of negative spiritual energy. This negative state equates to spiritual unwellness.

Regrettably, the negative energy force of spiritual unwellness tends to occur unconsciously and is frequently left unimpeded. Being unaware of this unconscious negative influence allows your thoughts to constantly descend into lower consciousness thinking. I call this passive descent to negative spiritual energy and lower consciousness thinking- spiritual entropy.

The evolution of your negative thoughts and perceptions grows from the improper attention placed on the subconscious and unconscious inner dialogue of your carnal man and seed the deepest recesses of your carnal mind. To overcome the subconscious apathy created by this dialogue, you must apply the appropriate positive spiritual energy to transcend the spiritual entropy and move to a state of higher spiritual consciousness and subsequently spiritual wellness.

From the Christian perspective, the necessary spiritual energy to conquer spiritual entropy is housed in, and aligned with, your practice of prayer and meditation.

More specifically your focused prayer and scriptural meditation on the words of the Bible. The Seven Trilateral Realms of Spiritual Consciousness- A Newly Defined Christian Pathway to Higher Consciousness through Biblical Meditation (aka ‘The7Realms’), is a transformational work that uncovers 84 biblical words and scriptures revealing a hidden pathway to higher consciousness.

This pathway allows you to transcend from your usual state of subconscious thinking (lower spiritual consciousness) to an enhanced state of spiritual enlightenment and spiritual awakening (higher spiritual consciousness).



Ryan C. Neal and 'The7Realms'

Healer of The Physical Man. Seeker of The Spiritual Man. Student of Christian Mindfulness and Biblical Meditation. Creator of ‘The7Realms’.