The Gift of ‘The7Realms’

Ryan C. Neal and 'The7Realms'
5 min readJan 18, 2024


Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash

The Meaning of Life

These days, it seems, as if almost everyone is looking for their special meaning and purpose in life.

Many of us are seeking to uncover this greater meaning and higher purpose on the journey to discover our higher self.

All are on an ever-evolving expedition to find happiness and fulfilment, love, and peace.

Most believe that we can find these feelings and emotions somewhere within ourselves. Our minds, our spirit, our consciousness, or maybe even our “Oneness with the Universe”.

But often, as we search for our desperate desire, we are met with uncertainty.

Where do we begin? Which path to we take?

How do we attain that which we seek? How do we find that which we long for?

I believe the elusive answer is knowable but does require a focused introspective pursuit.

My Journey to Me

My sacred search began more than 30 years ago, through my own journey for life’s greater meaning. This search began with my passionate self-study of the Bible.

As a practicing physician, who spent his entire pre-medicine educational years, from elementary school to college, in Catholic institutions, I was always surreptitiously balancing the rules of science with the teachings of the Gospel of Christ Jesus.

I had a deep longing to favourably reconcile the coexistence of the Principles of Science and Universality, Spirituality, and Christianity.

Moreover, I felt that understanding the principles behind these varied ideologies would help me to discover my higher purpose. My special life’s purpose.

So, I begin by seeking to better comprehend the doctrine of the Bible- The Word of God. My journey led me to a daily practice of Christian Mindfulness and Biblical Meditation.

This practice uncovered a secret path, hidden in the passages of the Bible. The secret path was revealed to me through my divine gift of pattern recognition. And it was through this gift that I discovered the doctrines of The Seven Realms of Spiritual Consciousness (aka ‘The7Realms’).

As a result, ‘The7Realms’ became the foundation of my mindfulness and meditation practice that ultimately changed my life forever.

My Unique Discovery

‘The7Realms’ outlines a newly discovered pathway through a unique set of spiritual realms of consciousness.

The newly discovered path is traversed by way of a mindfulness and meditation practice using traditional Christian principles and teachings.

This mindfulness and meditation practice allows you to, both easily and consistently, transcend to higher spiritual consciousness and subsequently spiritual wellness.

I uncovered the secret pathway of ‘The7Realms’ hidden in plain sight throughout the words and scriptures of the Bible.

This compelling discovery was intrinsically woven into the prose tapestry of the Bible and has been unveiled, by me, for the world to appreciate.

Spiritual consciousness and spiritual wellness are parallel existences within the spheres of conscious thought. Spiritual wellness exists in higher spiritual consciousness, whereas spiritual unwellness exists in lower spiritual consciousness.

As a physician I came to realize that spiritual wellness equates to physical wellness. As such, when you seek to attain higher spiritual consciousness you subsequently also achieve physical wellness. And thus began my divine transformation from a physician who focuses on treating the physical man only, to a more conscious physician who also focuses on healing the spiritual man as well.

The Trilateral Patterns of ‘The7Realms’

The words and scriptures of ‘The7Realms’ disclosed themselves in the formulation of trilateral patterns. I uncovered seven trilateral realms of spiritual consciousness. These realms contained 84 Spiritual Consciousness Words (SCW) and multiple Spiritual Consciousness Scriptures (SCS) conforming to this unique trilateral pattern.

The organization of these patterns into Trilateral Spiritual Realms (TSR) uncovered a secret pathway, most assuredly, designed by God for His children, to better understand consciousness. This pathway offers the ability to instantly travel from the realms of Lower Spiritual Consciousness (LSC) to realms of Higher Spiritual Consciousness (HSC) in a matter of minutes.

This process allows the student of Christian Mindfulness to be able to instantly enter a state of Higher Consciousness Thoughts, Feelings, and Emotions (HCTFE’s) using the techniques of Spiritual Consciousness Prayer (SCP) and Spiritual Consciousness Meditation (SCM) taught in ‘The7Realms’.

The Seven Gifts Offered by ‘The7Realms’:

1. Keeps/Upholds you in continuous connection with Gods daily word for you, by way of Spiritual Consciousness Prayer (SCP).

2. Keeps/Maintains you in spiritual alignment with God’s desire, will, and plan for your life, by way of Spiritual Consciousness Meditation (SCM).

3. Preserves your necessary Spiritual Energy (SEn) to transcend from Lower Consciousness Thoughts, Feelings, and Emotions (LCTFEs) to Higher Consciousness Thoughts, Feelings, and Emotions (HCTFEs) and thus achieve spiritual wellness and subsequently physical wellness.

4. Forces/Encourages you to assess the ever-changing Negative Vibrational Energy (NVE) that can come against you at any given moment. This NVE can lead to Spiritual Entropy (SEt) which can potentially lead to a state of spiritual unwellness and subsequently physical unwellness.

5. Offers you a readily accessible path to travel to Higher Spiritual Consciousness (HSC) from Lower Spiritual Consciousness (LSC) at any moment.

6. Keeps you in Vibrational Alignment (VAl) with your Targeted Spiritual Intention (TSI) through your Focused Prayer Attention (FPA).

7. Ultimately, through continued practice and incorporation of ‘The7Realms’, as your mindfulness and meditation routine, you will find the answer to your own special life’s purpose, by way of your daily journey to Higher Spiritual Consciousness (HSC).

In Closing

I have spent the last 30 years of my personal and professional life seeking to better understand higher consciousness and spiritual wellness.

This discovery is a culmination of my personal journey from childhood through high school, from college to medical school, to physician, and now student of Christian Mindfulness. Always seeking to better understand the perceived relationship between higher spiritual consciousness, spiritual wellness, and physical well-being.

During this journey, I uncovered a secret biblical pathway that allows you to travel to higher consciousness and subsequently spiritual wellness. The pathway leads you through focused prayers and meditations using specific trilateral words and scriptures from the Word of God. This prayer and meditation practice is the cornerstone of Christian Mindfulness through Biblical Meditation outlined in ‘The7Realms’.

While I am not certain anyone will consider me a prolific writer, Shakespearean poet, or literary genius, I am a leader of thoughts, a teacher of ideas and a creator of concepts. I am a man who labors daily as a healer of the physical man. As a physician healer, I have always sought to discover a better way to heal the wholeness of man- the physical and the spiritual.

And I now believe I have found it.

Thank you for taking the time to share in this spiritual journey. Pray mindfully and meditate purposefully. And I will meet you in The Higher Realms.

RC Neal, MD

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Ryan C. Neal and 'The7Realms'
Ryan C. Neal and 'The7Realms'

Written by Ryan C. Neal and 'The7Realms'

Mindfulness in Words: Blending words, thoughts, ideas, mindfulness, spirituality, and neuroplasticity to inspire transformation and uncover your authentic self.

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